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Why is There an Upfront Fee to Sell My Timeshare?


If you own a timeshare that you want to sell, then you’ve no doubt asked yourself, "Why is there an upfront fee to sell my timeshare?" ...and it’s a question that deserves answering. A quick search of the internet will find you thousands of pages of answers, and countless opinions on the topic. However, beneath the hype, the answer to this question is actually quite simple. In fact, it can be summed up in just 2 sentences:

Why is there an upfront fee to sell my timeshare?

  1. Because timeshare is real estate, only a licensed real estate salesperson, working under a licensed real estate broker, can legally collect a fee from the sale price. 2. Licensed real estate salespeople that want to sell timeshare work on-site for resort developers, where their earning potential is the highest.

Unfair? Possibly, but unless your resort has a resale program, or you can find a way to sell your timeshare for free, you’ll have to pay upfront. This is not to say you should be indiscriminate in who or how much you pay, quite the opposite: Not all fees are created equal, and, as with any industry, there are scams to be avoided. Armed with the knowledge that there’ll be some upfront cost involved, you can carefully evaluate what you’ll get for your money. If you’re considering selling your timeshare, exercise caution and use your good judgment. Ultimately, paying the right company, for your specific timeshare and circumstances, will lead to a sale.

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